Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Scientific Name
Family Description - Fls perfect, hypogynous, regular, 5-merous; pet mostly convolute and distinct; stamens generally bicyclic, the filaments all connate at base; nectary-disk wanting but the outer filaments often glandular-thickened below or subtended by a gland; carpels 5, united to form a compound, plurilocular ovary with axile placentas and distinct, terminal styles; ovules 2–several per locule, epitropous and ± pendulous; fr generally a loculicidal capsule; seeds commonly with a large basal aril; embryo large, straight, spatulate, with 2 cotyledons; endosperm oily, usually copious; mostly herbs with alternate (or all basal), compound (often trifoliolate) lvs and axillary, often pedunculate, cymose to umbelliform infls that may be reduced to a single fl. 7–8/900, ± cosmop.
Common Names