
  • Authority

    Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Family Description - Fls mostly perfect, epigynous and often with the hypanthium prolonged beyond the ovary, regular or occasionally somewhat irregular, (2–)4(–7)-merous; sep valvate, often reflexed at anthesis; pet distinct or seldom wanting; stamens as many or more often twice as many as the sep, often alternately unequal; pollen-grains tending to cohere in large groups; carpels generally as many as the sep, united to form a compound ovary with axile (or intruded-parietal) placentation, or rarely the ovary pseudomonomerous; style with a capitate or discoid to 4-lobed stigma; ovules (1–) several or numerous in each locule; fr a capsule, less often a small nut or a berry; embryo-sac monosporic, 4- nucleate; endosperm initially diploid, wanting at maturity; cotyledons 2; herbs (ours) or less often woody plants, with simple and entire or toothed to sometimes lobed or lyrate-pinnatifid lvs; stipules in most genera wanting or small and caducous. 17/675, mostly New World, esp. w. U.S.

  • Common Names

    The evening-primrose family