Naucleopsis krukovii (Standl.) C.C.Berg
Berg, Cornelius C. 1972. Olmedieae, Brosimeae (Moraceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 7: 1-229. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
Type. Krukoff 8159 [male] (NY), near Palmares, São Paulo de Olivença, Amazonas, Brazil.
Pseudolmedia krukovii Standl.
Species Description - Trees up to 25 m tall; latex watery and bitter. Leafy twigs 1.5-4.5 mm thick, greyish to brownish, densely brownish puberulous to sparsely whitish puberulous, periderm irregularly wrinkled, peeling off in very small flakes. Leaves (oblong to) lanceolate (to linear), often broadest near the lower or upper end, 4-22(-33) cm long, 0.5-7.5(-11) cm broad, subcoriaceous to chartaceous, acuminate, acute or obtuse at the base, glabrous or nearly so, grey to greenish when dry; the costa and the secondary veins prominent, otherwise the venation nearly plane above, veins prominent beneath, 15-23 pairs of secondary veins; petioles 3-11 mm long; stipules 3-11 mm long, sparsely puberulous to subsericeous, often curved. Staminate inflorescences 3-5 mm in diameter, subsessile or pedunculate; peduncle up to 3 mm long, puberulous; receptacle cup-shaped; involucre with 18-24 ovate to deltoid to suborbiculate to subovate, acute to obtuse, sparsely puberulous to subsericeous bracts in ca 7 series; some tens of flowers, basally connate; perianth 2.5-3.5 mm high, 3-4-parted, puberulous; stamens 1-3, usually 2, filaments 3.5-4.0 mm long, anthers o.7-1.0 mm long, o. 1-0.3 mm broad, connectives narrow. Pistillate inflorescences solitary or occasionally accompanied by staminate ones, 10-15 mm in diameter, sessile; involucre with ca 25-35 deltoid to reniform to ovate to lanceolate, obtuse, acuminate, or acute, puberulous bracts in ca 6 series; flowers ca 20-50; tepals free, subulate to spine-like to subclavate, 1-2 mm long, acute, puberulous; style 1-3 mm long, hairy, stigmas vittiform to linguiform, 1-2 mm long, 0.3-0.5 mm broad, sometimes unequal; pseudobracts similar to the tepals. Infructescences hemispherical to subglobose, 4-4.5 cm in diameter; tepals and pseudobracts more or less spine-like, 3-7 mm long, broadened at the base, straight or curved. Flowering from September to May.
Ducke sn (HJBR 18293), the only collection from the Lower Amazon Basin, differs from the others in the dense indument of the twigs, stipules, and involucral bracts. Ducke (1939) placed this collection under Acanthosphaera amara, but earlier under Ogcodeia amara. As the structure of the staminate inflorescences of this collection proved to be similar to those of the species at first described as Acanthosphaera ulei, he re-established the genus Acanthosphaera. In most specimens the leaves have round holes up to 0.5 cm in diameter, possibly caused by a parasitic fungus. The species is variable in the shape and the dimensions of its leaves. Several specimens approach N. amara in the characters of the vegetative parts. The leaves are mostly greenish in the herbarium material of N. krukovii, always brown in N. amara.
(Fig 42). Brazil, Amazon Basin, in forests of the terra firma.
Brazil South America| Amazonas Brazil South America|