Navia maguirei L.B.Sm.

  • Authority

    Smith, Lyman B. & Downs, Robert J. 1974. Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 14 (1): 1-658. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Navia maguirei L.B.Sm.

  • Description

    Description - Plant caulescent; stems branching. Leaves densely polystichous, sparsely serrulate, very sparsely lepidote, soon wholly glabrous; sheaths ovate, short; blades linear, attenuate, contracted at base. Inflorescence densely and narrowly ovoid, acute, nidular in the leaf-rosette at anthesis but soon exceeded by a sympodial branch, 8-9 mm in diameter, glabrous; primary bracts linear-laminate, usually exceeding the inflorescence. Floral bracts narrowly ovate, acute, slightly exceeding the sepals; flowers sessile. Sepals high-connate, the blades elliptic, acute, 4.5 mm long, the anterior flat, the posterior carinate; petals white, 7-8 mm longer than the sepals, about equaling the stamens but recurving, involute-subulate at apex; ovary wholly superior.