Vaccinium pallidum Aiton

  • Authority

    Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Vaccinium pallidum Aiton

  • Description

    Species Description - Colonial shrubs 2–8(–10) dm; bud-scales rounded above; lvs ovate to broadly elliptic, entire or seldom serrulate, the larger ones mostly (2.5–)3–5 cm, half as wide, glaucous beneath, sometimes also somewhat hairy; cal and pedicel glaucous; cor cylindric to urceolate, 4–8 mm; fr 5–8 mm, blue-glaucous or rarely black; 2n=24, or seldom 48. Dry upland woods and old fields; Me. to Minn., s. to Ga., Ala., Ark., and e. Okla. Apr.–June. (V. altomontanum; V. vacillans; Cyanococcus liparis; C. subcordatus; C. v.) Morphologically intermediate between nos. 11 [Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton] and 13 [Vaccinium myrtilloides Michx.], but apparently distinctive.

  • Common Names
