Passiflora maliformis L.

  • Authority

    Popenoe, Wilson. 1924. Economic fruit-bearing plants of Ecuador. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 24: i-ix, 101-134. pl. 34-49.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Passiflora maliformis L.

  • Description

    Description - This is a vigorous climber much resembling the granadilla de Quijos in foliage, the light green leaves being ovate-cordate and about 7.5 cm. in length. The flowers have a conspicuous whitish green calyx, and the corona is white, marked with purplish blue. The fruits are round, rarely more than 5 cm. in diameter, with a thin shell, yellowish green on the surface and whitish within. Though not 3 mm. thick, this shell is so hard that it is broken with difficulty. Within are the numerous small black seeds, surrounded by juicy pulp of pale, orange-yellow color and rather acid, highly aromatic flavor.

  • Common Names

    granadilla de hueso