Lepidagathis alopecuroidea (Vahl) R.Br. ex Griseb.

  • Authority

    Wasshausen, Dieter C. & Wood, John R. I. 2004. Acanthaceae of Bolivia. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 49: 1-152.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Lepidagathis alopecuroidea (Vahl) R.Br. ex Griseb.

  • Type

    Ruellia alopecuroidea Vahl, Eclog. Amer. 2:49. 1798. - Teliostachya alopecuroidea (Vahl) Nees, in Mart., 11. Bras. 9(7): 72. 1847. Type: Montserrat, West Indies, J. Ryan s.n. (holotype C; F photo 22196). Fig. 20.

  • Description

    Description - Herb 8-50 cm, usually much branched; stems erect, decumbent or ascending, sometimes rooting at lower nodes, short-pilose; leaves petiolate, blades ovate to elliptic, 3-8 x 1.5-3 cm, glabrous, thin, margin entire; inflorescence terminal, spicate, spikes composed of verticillasters, these subtended by stiff, 3-nerved bracts or lowermost by a pair of reduced cindine leaves, each consisting of 3-7 flowers, lateral flowers subtended by 1-3-nerved bracts; bracteoles 1-nerved; calyx 4-6 mm long. unequally 4-lobed; corolla white or violet, about as long as calyx, tube cylindric, throat slightly enlarged, limb 2-lipped, lower lip 3-parted, lobes subequal, upper lip obtuse, emarginate or subentire; stamens 4, didynamous; anthers 1- and 2-thecous, the thecae slightly unequal, blunt at base; capsule sessile, oblong, 3.5-4.5 mm long; seeds 4.

    Phenology - Flowers during the dry season from April to September.