Justicia praetermissa Wassh. & J.R.I.Wood
Wasshausen, Dieter C. & Wood, John R. I. 2004. Acanthaceae of Bolivia. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 49: 1-152.
Scientific Name
TYPE: Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Alto Camiri,1-2 km from main highway, ca. 3 km S of Camiri, 850 m, 19 Jan 2001, J. R. I. Wood & Goyder 16855 (holotype K; isotypes BOL, LPB. UCZ, US-3442809).
Description - Perennial herb to 50 cm high; stems decumbent and wiry below, then erect, sparingly branched, pilose; leaves shortly petiolate; blades ovate, green and sparingly pilose above, whitish and pilose below, 1.5-6.5 x 1.2-5.5 cm, margin indistinctly undulate; inflorescence of solitary (rarely paired) terminal spikes 3-12 (-25) cm long, peduncles pilose, to 2 cm long; flowers in opposite pairs, to 1.3 cm apart below, ± confluent above; bracts ovate, pilose, 3-4 x 1.1.25 mm; bracteoles similar but only 2-2.5 cm long; calyx 5-7 mm long, 4-lobed, lobes slightly concave and rigid, linear-lanceolate, pale-margined, pilose; corolla pink with a whitish tube, pubescent without, 10-12 mm long, tube ca. 0.8 mm wide for 5 mm then widened to 1 mm at mouth, upper lip ca. 3.5 mm, long, entire, hooded, deflexed at tip, lower lip deflexed, ca. 6 mm long, the teeth rounded; anthers included; capsule clavate with a sterile base, glabrate.