Justicia calycina (Nees) V.A.W.Graham

  • Authority

    Wasshausen, Dieter C. & Wood, John R. I. 2004. Acanthaceae of Bolivia. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 49: 1-152.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Justicia calycina (Nees) V.A.W.Graham

  • Type

    Justicia calycina (Nees) V. A. W. Graham, Kew Bull. 43:610. 1988. - Beloperone calyeina Nees in London J. Bot. 4:637. 1845. - Dianthera calycina (Nees) Benth. ex B. D. Jacks., Index Kewensis, 1: 742. 1893. - Rhacodiscus calycinus (Nees) Bremek., Verhand. Konin. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch., Md. Natuurk., Tweede sect. 45:53. 1948. TYPE: Guyana, Schomburgk s.n. (holotype K). Sericographis acurninata Nees, in Mart. Fl. Bras. 9(7):109. 1847. TYPE: Brazil, Rio Negro, Martins s.n. (holotype M; isotype GZU). acuminatissima Miq., Stirp. Suriname Select. 129. 1850. - Rhacodiscus acuminatissimus (Miq.) Lindau, in Engl. & Pranti, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3b):308. 1897. - Dianthera acuminatissima (Miq.) Benoist, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 68:321. 1921. - Justicia acuminatissima (Miq.) Bremek., Meded. Bot. Mus. Herb. Ritiks Univ. Utrecht, 47:166. 1938. TYPE: Surinam, Hostmann 1112 (isosyntypes BM, K); Kappler 819a (isosyntypes C, G).

  • Description

    Description - Erect herbs 80-100 cm, shoots with decumbent rooting base; leaves sometimes ternate, sessile, lanceolate, 18-36 x 5.5-7 cm, glabrate or puberulous beneath on veins, caudate at base; flowers bone secund in spike-like racemes, the latter in a large, rather dense panicle; peduncles 12-18 cm long; floral bracts and bracteoles triangular, 1.5 x 0.6 mm; calyx 5-lobed, subglabrous or puberulous, lobes linear and tapering into a point, 15-17 x 1 mm; corolla brick red, tubiform 50-60 mm long, glabrous, lips 20 mm long, upper bilobed; anther thecae unequal, subopposite, the lower shortly apiculate at base; capsule glabrous, 14 mm long, the stipe 8 mm long, the valves slightly sulcate at back; seeds ovoid, 3.2 x 2.8 mm, margin fringed with short triangular scales.