Clerodendrum x speciosum Dombrain

  • Authority

    Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro. 2005. Vines and climbing plants of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 51: 1-483.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Clerodendrum x speciosum Dombrain

  • Description

    Description - Slightly woody vine, twining, attaining 3 m in length. Stems obtusely quadrangular, striate, minutely puberulent; stipules absent. Leaves opposite. 7.5 I 3.3 x 5.7-8 cm, elliptical or ovate, chartaceous. the apex acuminate, the base rounded or cordiform. the margins entire or remotely sinuate; upper surface glabrous; lower surface glabrous, pale green, with numerous dots, the veins prominent and minutely puberulent; petioles 1-2 cm long, sulcate, puberulent. Inflorescences o\' axillary dichasial cymes; brads minute. subulate. Calyx more or less urceolate, 1.0-1.3 cm long, intense pink to purple, puberulent, the sepals lanceolate, connate at the base, acuminate at the apex; corolla red or red-orange, hypocrateriform, 2.5-3 cm long, the tube quite narrow, the lobes rounded; filaments pink, twice as long as the corolla; style pink, as long as the filaments. Fruit unknown.

    Phenology - Collected in flower from September to February.

    Conservation Status - Exotic, cultivated, persistent and naturalized in some localities in Puerto Rico.

  • Discussion

    Discrepancies exist regarding the nature of this taxon. Originally (1869), it was described as a hybrid under the name of C. x speciosum. Later, Voss (1894) considered this taxon as a form of C. thomsonae and Moldenke (1937) as a variety of C. umbellatum Poir. Moldenke, in 1983, changed his opinion, recognizing it as a form of C. thomsonae, but pointed out that the studies necessary to discard its hybrid nature do not yet exist. Due to the fact that the nature of this taxon has not been established with certainty, it seems to me appropriate to utilize the name of C. x speciosum, this being the most widely used name.