Jasminum fluminense Vell.

  • Authority

    Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro. 2005. Vines and climbing plants of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 51: 1-483.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Jasminum fluminense Vell.

  • Description

    Description - Woody vine, twining, attaining 4-6 m in length. Stems cylindrical, pubescent, attaining 1 cm in diameter, glabrescent when mature. Lateral branches numerous. Leaves opposite, trifoliolate, 5-10 cm long; leaflets 2-5 x 2-3.5 cm (terminal leaflet larger than the lateral ones), broadly ovate, involute, the apex acute or acuminate, the base subtruncate, the margins entire; upper surface puberulent; lower surface with the midvein prominent, barbate in the axils of the secondary veins; petioles and petiolules pubescent, the petioles 0.5-2 cm long. Inflorescences of axillary cymes with numerous fragrant flowers; peduncles 3-4 cm long; pedicels 3-4 mm long, densely pubescent. Calyx green, ca. 3 mm long, campanulate, with 4-9 small acuminate lobes; corolla while, hypoerateriform, 1.5-2.5 cm long, with 4-9 lobes; stamens 2; ovary 4-lobate, the stigma bilobate. Fruit a purple or almost black berry, shiny, globose, 5-8 mm in diameter.

    Phenology - Flowering from December to September and fruiting from January to August.

    Conservation Status - Exotic, naturalized, rather common.

  • Common Names

    jazmín oloroso, jazmín de canario, jazmin de trapo