Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth.
Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro. 2005. Vines and climbing plants of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 51: 1-483.
Scientific Name
Description - Herbaceous vine, creeping or climbing. twining, attaining 10 m in length. Stems branched from the base, slender, cylindrical, ferruginous-pilose. Leaves alternate, trifoliolate; leaflets chartaceous, ovate or lanceolate, 2.5-7.5 x 1 -5 cm; upper surface glabrous, with slightly prominent venation; lower surface sparsely appressed-pubescent, especially on the prominent veins, the apex acute, obtuse, or less frequently acuminate, the base euneale to rounded, slightly asymmetrical on the lateral leaflets, the margins entire, ciliate; petiolules 2-3 mm long, pubescent; rachis 9-13 mm long, marginate or narrowly winged; petioles 2-9 cm long, marginate or narrowly winged; stipels oblong, 2-2.5 mm long; stipules lanceolate, ca. 3 mm long, auriculate at the base. Pseudoracemes axillary, up to 30 cm long, the flowers 1-2 per node, which are found in the distal portion of the inflorescence; pedicels 4-5 mm long, erect, with the calyx in a horizontal position or reflexed. Calyx green, campanulate, 4-5 mm long, the sepals unequal, the longer (3 mm) ones subulate, the shorter (1.5-2 mm) ones deltate, ciliate. Corolla brilliant yellow; standard rounded, 1 .5-2 cm long; the wings and the keel as long as the standard. Legume pointing downward, linear, almost cylindrical, slightly curved, with the margins slightly sinuate between the seeds, 4-7 cm long, ca. 5 mm wide, glabrous or pubescent, blackish on drying. Seeds oblong or rectangular, ca. 5 mm long, reddish brown.
Phenology - Flowering almost throughout the year.
Conservation Status - Native, very common.
Common Names
frijol silvestre, goat wiss