
  • Authority

    Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Family Description - Fls small, perfect or less often unisexual; sep (1)5(6), distinct or basally connate, rarely wanting, greenish and ± herbaceous, or rarely somewhat scarious or even hyaline; pet none; stamens as many as and opposite the sep, or seldom fewer; gynoecium of 2–3(5) carpels united to form a compound, unilocular ovary with distinct or connate styles; ovary superior or seldom (as in Beta) half-inferior; ovule solitary, basal, ± campylotropous; fr a utricle or a small nut, indehiscent or seldom with irregular or circumscissile dehiscence, the pericarp thin and sometimes adherent to the seed, often subtended by the persistent cal or by persistent bracteoles, sometimes multiple; seeds mostly lenticular, with elongate, dicotyledonous, annular or spirally twisted embryo peripheral to the well developed perisperm, or seldom without perisperm; herbs or shrubs, producing betalains but not anthocyanins, with simple, exstipulate, alternate or seldom opposite (sometimes much reduced) lvs; fls 1–many and glomerate in the axils or in bracteate or ebracteate spikes, panicles, or cymes, the bracts and bracteoles (if present) mostly blunt and herbaceous, seldom scarious. 100/1500.

  • Common Names

    The goosefoot family