Dysoxylum myriandrum A.C.Sm.

  • Authority

    Smith, Albert C. 1952. Studies of Pacific Island plants, X. The Meliaceae of Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 30: 469-522.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Dysoxylum myriandrum A.C.Sm.

  • Type

    Type locality: Vanua Levu, Fiji.

  • Description

    Description - [No description provided.]

  • Discussion

    This species and the three following form a clearly marked group within § Eudysoxylum, differing from A. forsteri and its allies in having the petals free from each other and from the staminal tube essentially to base. In foliage this group of species is also readily recognized, as the leaflets are obviously petiolulate, with blades that are comparatively thick in texture, glabrous (except in D. myriandrum), and acute to rounded at base, without the exaggerated distal base of the blade that characterizes most species of the genus in our region. Dysoxylutem myriandrum is one of the most distinct species of the genus by virtue of its increased number of stamens, but its relationship to such species as D. huntii and D. aneityense is unquestionable. In my original description I erroneously referred this species to § Didymocheton, mistaking the stout calyx-tube for a pedicel, whereas actually the flowers are sessile and the sepals are not completely free.

  • Common Names
