Aglaia elegans Gillespie

  • Authority

    Smith, Albert C. 1952. Studies of Pacific Island plants, X. The Meliaceae of Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 30: 469-522.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Aglaia elegans Gillespie

  • Type

    Type locality: Tamavua, Province of Naitasiri, Viti Levu, Fiji; type, Gillespie 2005, cited below.

  • Description

    Description - [No description provided.]

  • Discussion

    Of the seven collections originally cited by Gillespie, four are referable to A. vitiensis var. minor, as are several more recent collections that have been identified as A. elegans. Actually these two entities bear only a superficial resemblance, differing fundamentally in type of indument. The stellate hairs of the vegetative parts and of the fruiting inflorescence of A. elegans are about 0.15 mm. in diameter. composed of 15-20 rays free nearly to base; these rays are fairly uniform in length and under high magnification are seen to be several-celled. Although Gillespie did not have flowering material of A. elegans, he referred to it § Euaglaia. Flowering specimens are still not available, and accurate reference to a section is not possible. However, in view of the apparent relationship between this species and the following, I am more inclined provisionally to place A. elegans in § Hearnia.

  • Common Names

    kau toa