Vismia lauriformis (Lam.) Choisy

  • Authority

    Ewan, Joseph A. 1962. Synopsis of the South American species of Vismia (Guttiferae). Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 35: 293-377. pls. 1-5.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Vismia lauriformis (Lam.) Choisy

  • Type

    Type: "Nova Granada," i.e. Colombia, communicated by Jose Celestino Mutis (authentic coll. US 1,562,066). The type was taken most probably in the Department of Cundinamarca. The fruit was described by Linnaeus filius, but the US sheet is only in early flower, and so it is doubtful if that represents an exact duplicate of the collection in the Linnaean Herbarium.

  • Description

    Description - [No description provided.]

  • Discussion

    Vismia lauriformis is highly variable over its range and at times is separable from typical V. baccifera and its subsp. dealbala only with difficulty. The leaves of V. lauriformis, however, are generally smaller and glossy above. The acute, at times almost cuneate, leafbase is an especially useful character for recognition. In the Popayán region of southern Colombia, Department of Cauca, a peach-leaved form of Vismia lauriformis with narrower leaf-blades, often acuminate to a long point in the manner of adult leaves of Eucalyptus globulus, more or less replaces the typical tree of the more northern districts of Colombia. This form has never been distinguished nomenclaturally, and it does not seem necessary to do so at this time, but it illustrates again the local endemism of that interesting region. Collections representative of this form include: Popayán, Lehmann 2832 (US), 5543 (S, US); La Capilla, 25 km. north of Popayán, 1740 m., Killip 38480 (US); Tres Cruces, Popayán, Yepes, Araque, & Barkley 18Ca063 (NO, US). Vismia lauriformis is related both to V. baccifera and to V. guianensis, especially to V. baccifera subsp. jerruginea, and through V. falcata forms an almost complete phyletic series to V. guianensis