Passiflora mathewsii (Mast.) Killip

  • Authority

    Killip, Ellsworth P. 1960. Supplemental notes on the American species of Passifloraceae with descriptions of new species. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 35: 1-23. pl. 1-11.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Passiflora mathewsii (Mast.) Killip

  • Description

    Description - [No description provided.]

  • Discussion

    Masters placed this species among the tacsonias with united bracts, lobed leaves, and narrowly linear stipules, though in the description of the species, which was given at some length in the key, he did not specifically mention the stipules. A specimen recently collected at the type locality, Chachapoyas, Peru, by Metcalf (Goodspeed Expedition No. 30784) has foliaceous, semiovate stipules which are deeply pinnatisect into filiform segments, the body of the stipules sometimes being reduced to a mere band surrounded by the filiform segments. Otherwise the specimen agrees perfectly with a photograph that I took of the type at the Kew Herbarium and with the amplified description given in my monograph. I believe that both Masters and I mistook either the filiform segments or abortive tendrils for stipules, that the stipules of P. matthewsii had mostly fallen off the type material at Kew and the British Museum, and that therefore P. matthewsii should be placed next to P. roseorum (species 164). A. H. G. Alston has kindly examined for me the Matthews specimen at the British Museum, and writes: "The stipules appear to have fallen off our specimen, but there are sometimes young tendrils which could easily have been taken for stipules. ... On the young parts there are, however, some filiform hairy segments, which could easily be the segments of a laciniate stipule."