Houstonia pulvinata Small
Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Perennial, glabrous. Foliage turning black in drying: stems branched at the base; branches 8-12 cm. long, angled, densely tufted, forming cushion-like masses: leaves numerous; blades linear, 1-1.5 cm. long, acute, revolute, more or less curved, sessile; peduncles 1 cm. long or usually shorter pedicels 1 mm. long or usually shorter, or somewhat longer at maturity, the cymes thus relatively dense: bracts minute, acute: calices about 1 mm. long, becoming 2 mm. long at maturity; segments triangular-ovate, acute: corolla bluish, 3.5-4 mm. long; tube gradually enlarged; segments oblong-ovate, about 1.5 mm. long, obtuse, pubescent within: capsules oblong-obovoid, fully 2 mm. long, slightly notched.
This species has always been merged in the composite H. angtistifolia, but it possesses excellent distinguishing characters. The depressed cushion-like form it assumes in growing serves as a ready means of distinction. The short leaves, the congested cymes, the smaller corollas and shorter more obovoid capsules are sufficient to warrant its treatment as a species.
In sand, peninsular Florida. The original specimens are from St. Augustine, Florida where they were collected in 1876 by Miss Mary C. Reynolds and Dr. A. P. Garber. Summer
Florida United States of America North America|