Quercus cinerea Michx.
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Small tree, to 15 m; twigs of the season cinereous- tomentulose; lvs with a dull blue-green cast, especially beneath, firm, elliptic to oblong or narrowly obovate-oblong, 5–10 × 1–3 cm, obtuse or rounded and bristle-tipped, entire, broadly cuneate to rounded at base, permanently cinereous-tomentulose beneath with minute, stellate hairs; veinlets of the upper lf- surface minutely depressed; acorn 1–1.5 cm, the cup saucer-shaped, covering a third of the nut, its scales ovate-oblong, obtuse. Dunes and dry pine barrens; se. Va. to Fla. and Tex., mostly on the coastal plain, and n. to Okla. (? Q. incana W. Bartram, perhaps misapplied)
Common Names
blue-jack oak