Scleria doradoensis Britton

  • Authority

    Contributions from The New York Botanical Garden: Volume X 1921-1923.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Scleria doradoensis Britton

  • Description

    Species Description - Perennial? Culms slender, rather stiff, glabrous, erect, tufted, 3-4 dm. high. Leaves glabrous, scabrate, shorter than the culm, about 2 mm. wide, the apex attenuate; inflorescence terminal, glomerate-spicate, 5-7 cm. long; glomerules 6-8, few-flowered, not nodding; bracts about 3 mm. long, brown-ciliate; achene white, subglobose-obovoid, very obtusely trigonous, verrucosetuberculate, 1.5 mm. long, 12-porose underneath just above the trigonous base; hypogynium none.