Aegiphila trinitensis Britton
Contributions from The New York Botanical Garden: Volume X 1921-1923.
Scientific Name
Species Description - A shrub, with slender, glabrous branches, the bark nearly white, the young shoots brown, short, minutely puberulent. Leaves short-petioled, the blades ovate, thin, small for the genus,4 cm. long or less, the apex acute or acuminate, the base narrowed; panicles small, short-peduncled, strigose, several-many flowered, 2-3 cm. broad; calyx obconic, truncate, puberulent; corolla white, about 8 mm. long.
Hillsides and thickets in moist districts, Trinidad. Type from St. Ann's (Mrs. W. E. Broadway) . In flower May 10, 1919. This is the species recorded by Grisebach from Trinidad, as Aegiphila laevis.
Trinidad and Tobago South America|