Rhamnidium bicolor Britton & P.Wilson

  • Authority

    Contributions from The New York Botanical Garden: Volume X 1921-1923.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Rhamnidium bicolor Britton & P.Wilson

  • Description

    Species Description - A shrub, with slender puberulent twigs. Leaves opposite, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 8 cm. long or less, repand-crenate, membranous, the apex acuminate, the base rounded or subtruncate, the venation ascending, densely and finely reticulate-veined on both sides, the upper surface green and glabrate, the under side whitish puberulent, the petioles 6-10 mm. long; stipules obliquely linear-lanceolate, nearly as long as the petioles; inflorescence axillary, glabrous; peduncles nearly as long as the petioles; flowers subglomerate; pedicels very short; sepals triangular-ovate, 2.5 mm. long, acute; glandular-dotted; petals orbicular-obovate, 1.5 mm. long, about 1.5 mm. broad.

  • Discussion

    High Sierra Maestra, Oriente (Leon 11025). Other specimens from the Sierra Maestra (Leon 10052), in foliage only, have entire leaves, somewhat larger, and may represent another species.

  • Distribution

    High Sierra Maestra, Oriente (Leon 11025)

    Cuba South America|