Pilea maxonii Britton

  • Authority

    Contributions from The New York Botanical Garden: Volume X 1921-1923.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Pilea maxonii Britton

  • Description

    Species Description - Stem trailing, freely rooting at the nodes, 3-6 dm. long or longer, rather densely pubescent, the pubescent branches erect, 6-12 cm. high or higher. Stipules ovate-orbicular, rounded, submembranous, 3-6 mm. long, sometimes broader than long; leaf pairs nearly equal; leaves ovate, regularly crenate, 1-3 cm. long, acute, acuminate, or some of the smaller ones obtuse at the apex, obliquely obtuse or rounded at the base, 3-nerved from above the base, sparingly pubescent and reticulate-veined beneath, the upper surface nearly veinless, with long, flat scattered hairs and some short ones, the linear glochides largely marginal only; petioles slender, pubescent, as long as the blades or shorter; pistillate inflorescence paniculate, slender-peduncled, about 6 cm. long, the staminate shorter; sepals lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate.

  • Discussion

    Rocky woods in the Cockpit Country, Jamaica. Type, Maxon & Killip 1555, from near Mocho, above Catadupa, April 3, 1920; previously collected near Troy, June 28, 1904 {Maxon 2834), our specimen of this number barren.

  • Distribution

    Rocky woods in the Cockpit Country, Jamaica.

    Jamaica South America|