Capraria biflora L.

  • Authority

    Contributions from The New York Botanical Garden: Volume X 1921-1923.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Capraria biflora L.

  • Description

    Species Description - A widespread species of lowland Tropical America, growing mostly on and near the seashore, but extending inland on river-banks, plains and waste land. Very variable, but with most states found in the same region or even in the same colony. Varies in size of leaves, in form of leaves from linear-lanceolate to nearly ovate, and in serration from entire to sharply serrate-dentate; varies in the length of the pedicels; varies in length of and attenuation of the sepals, in size of corolla from 8 to 10 mm. long, and somewhat pubescent or glabrous within anteriorly, and in capsules from oblong to ovoid, and from round and emarginate to acutish. Most conspicuously does the plant vary in pubescence, from glabrous throughout, through states with the stem pubescent and the pedicels glabrous or the pedicels sparsely pubescent—pubescent either with short or long hairs—to forms densely hirsute on stems, pedicels, sepals and the midribs and margins of the leaves. The last state (forma hirta* Loes. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. II, 3: 284. 1903. "Habitat in Guatemala, in dept. Chiquimula in ruderalibus ad S. Juan Ermita: Sel[er] n. 3314." Isotype seen in herbarium New York Botanical Garden) prevails in Colombia.

  • Discussion

    River-banks, flats and sandy waysides, at altitudes below 200 meters, Tropical zone; the typical form near the Caribbean shore (doubtless also along the Pacific shore), forma hirta Loes. (indicated in lists by asterisk) along the lower river-courses and across the Sabana of Bolivar.

    Antioquia. *Brazaela de Perales, on Rio Magdalena (river-flat, alt. 150 m.), Pennell 3704; *Vuelta de Acufia, on Rio Magdalena (sandy loam, alt. 125-130 m.), Pennell 3789. Bolivar. "Calamar (along Rio Magdalena, alt. 15-25 m.), Rusby & Pennell 20; Cartagena, I. F. Holton 582 (H, Y), (roadside, alt. 5-10 m.), Rusby & Pennell 3 (somewhat pubescent with short hairs). *Since (edge of thicket, alt. 120-170 m.), Pennell 4039; *Turbaco (thin loam over white rock, alt. 150-200 m.), Pennell 4761; *Vilches, on Rio Sinn (orchard, alt. 20-50 m.), Pennell 4711. Magdalena. *Bonda (open damp place, alt. 45 m.), H. H. Smith 1331 (C, H, U, Y). Don Jaco (near the coast), H. H. Smith 551 (C, H, U, Y). Playa Brava (open plain near the coast), H. H. Smith 2823 (Y). Santa Marta (railroad bank, alt. 0-10 m.), Pennell 4771. Around Rio Frio (between the Cienaga de Santa Marta and the foothills, alt. 0-100 m.), H. Pittier 1611 (U).

  • Distribution

    Bolivar, Antigua, Magdalena.

    Bolívar Ecuador South America| Antigua and Barbuda South America|