Clematis jonesii (Kuntze) Rydb.
New York Botanical Garden. Herbarium of Dr. Per Axel Rydberg. Purchased, 1899. Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Perennial with a thick rootstock or caudex: stems 3-6 dm. high, simple or later in the season branched, more or less woolly when young: leaves twice pinnately divided, 1-1.5 dm. long, villous when young, in age glabrate, rather firm, segments lanceolate to linear-lanceo'ate, often cleft, 1-5 cm. long, acutish: flowers nod ding: calyx campanulate, brown, more or less villous, especially near the margins; sepals 2-2.5 cm. long, ovate, acute or acuminate, upper half with a wavy dilated margin: achenes about 5 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, flattish, densely silky; tails of the achenes 4—5 cm. long, beautifully plumose throughout.
This is nearest related to C. Douglasii, with which it has been confused. It differs from that species in the dilated margins of the sepals, the distinctly petioled and less compound leaves. In the true C. Doiiglasii the upper and middle leaves are twice pinnately divided and subsessile, so that they with the first pair of primary divisions look as if verticillate. Kuntze's description of C. Douglasii var. Jonesii is so meager that nobody could know from it what he meant, but fortunately we have one of Jones' specimens. The following specimens belong to C. Jonesii.
Colorado: Howe's Gulch, 1899, W. F. M.; Dolores (7300 ft.), 1892, Crandall ; lat. 39°-41°, 1862, Hall & Harbour, 2; Howe's Gulch, 1893, C. F. Baker; near Boulder, 1892, H. M. Patterson, 168 ; Dixon Canon, 1891, J. H. Cozuen, 368.
Utah : Uinta Mountains, 1869, S. Watson, 1 ; American Fork, 1880, M. E.Jones, 135 1. Wyoming : Headwater of Tongue River, Big Horn Mountains, 1898, Frank Tweedy, 171. -
Colorado: Howe's Gulch, Utah: Uinta Mountains, Wyoming: Headwater of Tongue River.
Colorado United States of America North America| Utah United States of America North America| Wyoming United States of America North America|