Gaylussacia ursina (M.A.Curtis) Torr. ex A.Gray

  • Authority

    New York Botanical Garden. Herbarium of Dr. Per Axel Rydberg. Purchased, 1899. Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Gaylussacia ursina (M.A.Curtis) Torr. & A.Gray

  • Description

    Species Description - A straggling branching shrub, 6-15 dm. tall, with sparingly pubescent twigs and young foliage. Leaves thin, the blades oblong, elliptic or oblanceolate, usually rhomboidal, 4-10 cm. long, usually short-acuminate; apiculate, ciliate, deep green above, paler beneath, pubescent on the nerves on both sides, obtuse or rounded at the base, short-petioled; flowers few, in lateral somewhat drooping racemes; calyx with numerous golden glands, about 3 mm. broad, its 5 segments very low, obtuse, several times shorter than the tube; corolla globose-campanulate, greenish-white or tawny red, about 4-5 mm. long, its segments triangular, acutish, recurved, revolute; filaments dilated, pubescent, incurved at the apex, longer than the anthers which have short tubes at the apex; drupe globose, 10-12 mm. in diameter, black, shining, sweet.

  • Distribution

    In deep forests on the mountains. North Carolina to northern Georgia. Spring ; matures its fruit in the late summer.

    North Carolina United States of America North America| Georgia United States of America North America|