Cuscuta gracilis Rydb.

  • Authority

    New York Botanical Garden. Herbarium of Dr. Per Axel Rydberg. Purchased, 1899. Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Cuscuta gracilis Rydb.

  • Description

    Species Description - Stem filiform, about .25 mm. in diameter. Flowers in dense globular clusters: calyx gamoscpalous but cleft to near the base, lobes ovate: corolla urceolate, less than 2 mm. high, lobes ovate, widely spreading, acute, delicate, about 1 mm. long; scales ovate, crenate, not divided, almost half as long as the corolla-tube: filaments subulate, about twice as long as the anthers: styles distinct, equal, about as long as and somewhat thicker than the red filiform curved stigmas: capsule about 2 mm. high, acute-globose, circumscissile near the base: seeds about 1 mm. long.

  • Discussion

    This species is nearest related to C. epilinum, which, however, has shorter and broader corolla-lobes, shorter filaments, scarcely longer than the anthers and short emarginate and crenate scales. C. gracilis grows parasitic on species of Erigeron, Chrysothamaus and Solanum.

    Wyoming: Rolling plains between Sheridan and Buffalo, 1900, F. Tweedy, 3292 (type) ; Laramie, 1894, Aven Nelson, 1139

  • Distribution


    Wyoming United States of America North America|