Potentilla horrida Rydb.
New York Botanical Garden. Herbarium of Dr. Per Axel Rydberg. Purchased, 1899. Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden.
Scientific Name
Species Description - A stout perennial with very thick woody root and a short caudex covered with the thick coriacious brown remains of old leaves: stems ascending, 1.5-4 dm. iiigh, stout, few-leaved, hirsute-villous: petioles of the basal leaves 5-10 cm. long, stout, densely hirsute-villous, broadened at the base and surrounding the stem: leaves digitate; leaflets usually 5, linear-oblong or oblonglanceolate, obtuse, crenulate, 3-5 cm. long, 7-12 mm. wide, densely pubescent on both sides, almost velvety: pubescence at first white, later on brown, consisting of tomentum and longer silky hairs: stem leaves similar or trifoliolate, much smaller; the upper subsessile; the stipulates lanceolate to linear-subulate, 1-3 cm. long, adnate to the petioles: cyme rather congested: hypanthium and calyx densely pilose: bractlets lanceolate, acute, about half as long as the ovate-lanceolate sepals w^hich are about 5 mm. long: petals yellow, broadly obovate, about 7 mm. long.
A species oiihe gracilis group, but resembling most P. Hacmatochrus in habit and pubescence. It differs, however in the coarser pubescence, the 5-foliolate, instead of 7-foliolate leaves and the yellow petals. The type specimens were found at an altitude of 2250 m.
Mexico, State of Chihuahua : Sierra Madre, near Colonia Garcia, 1899, Toivuscud & Barber, 16.
México Mexico North America|