Mertensia ovata Rydb.

  • Authority

    New York Botanical Garden. Herbarium of Dr. Per Axel Rydberg. Purchased, 1899. Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Mertensia ovata Rydb.

  • Description

    Species Description - A low cespitose, somewhat fleshy perennial. Stems 1-1.5 dm. high, glabrous: leaves 2-5 cm. long, 1-1.5 cm. wide, minutely strigose above, glabrous beneath; the lower obovate and short-petioled; the upper broadly ovate and sessile: flower-cluster dense; pedicels very short: calyx cleft to near the base: sepals lanceolate, ciliate on the margin, about 4 mm. long and one third shorter than the corolla-tube: corolla 10-12 mm. Iong:; its tube nearly one half longer than the throat and limb: the latter about 7 mm. broad: stamens nearly equaling the corolla; filaments dilated and broader than the anthers.

  • Discussion

    This species is probably nearest related to M. lanceolata ; but differs in the stunted habit and the broad leaves. It grows among rocks, at an altitude of 2800-3500 m.

  • Distribution

    Colorado: West Spanish Peak, 1900, Ryberg & Vreeland 5690 (type) and 5690a.

    Colorado United States of America North America|