Phacelia alba Rydb.

  • Authority

    New York Botanical Garden. Herbarium of Dr. Per Axel Rydberg. Purchased, 1899. Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Phacelia alba Rydb.

  • Description

    Species Description - A viscid-villous annual or biennial, 2-4 dm. high. Stem leafy, strict and simple viscid-villous and glandular above: leaves twice interruptedly pinnatifid, about 1 dm. long, glandular-puberulent, hispid ciliolate on the margins and veins; ultimate segments ovate or oblong, 3-6 mm. long: inflorescence branched, dense, in flowers almost capitate, but branches in fruit spiciform: flowers nearly sessile, 2- ranked: calyx glandular, cleft to near the base; sepals broadly linear, obtuse, about 2 mm. long, about one third shorter than the white corolla: the lobes of the latter rounded, crenate: appendages 10, broadly ovate: stamens and style much exserted: capsule ovoid, about 6 mm. long: seeds often solitary in each cavity, finely pitted.

  • Discussion

    This species is nearest related to P. Neo-Mexicana and P. Popei, resembling the latter most in habit, but having the viscid-pubescence and the crenate corolla-lobes of the former. It differs from both in the small white corolla and the long- exserted stamens. It grows in mountain valleys at an altitude of 1800-3000 m.

    Colorado: Sangre de Christo Creek, 1900, Rydberg & Vreeland, 3755 (type); Valley of Upper Arkansas River, 1873, John Wolfe (Wheeler Expedition), 99 ; Headwaters of Clear Creek, 1861, C. C. Parry, 314.

    New Mexico: Ruidoso Creek, White Mountains, 1895, E. O. Wooton.

  • Distribution

    Colorado, New Mexico.

    Colorado United States of America North America| New Mexico United States of America North America|