Camissonia brevipes (A.Gray) P.H.Raven
Raven, Peter H. 1969. A revision of the genus Camissonia (Onagraceae). Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 37: 161-396.
Scientific Name
Description - Annual, 3-75 cm. tall, the stems often densely clothed below with spreading white trichomes. Leaves mostly in a basal rosette, spatulate, the terminal leaflet to 6.5 cm. long and 5 cm. wide, sometimes cordate at the base, the lateral leaflets reduced or absent. Inflorescence nodding, elongating in flower and fruit. Hypanthium 3-8 mm. long, densely short-villous in lower portions within, 1.5-7 mm. across at the summit. Sepals 5-9 mm. long, the apices covered with brown oil cells, the caudate appendages present or absent. Petals 3-18 mm. long, 4-25 mm. wide, bright yellow, rarely red dotted, the same color as the stamens and style. Stamens subequal; filaments 3-6 mm. long; anthers 2.5-6 mm. long, ciliate. Style 10-18 mm. long; stigma 1-2 mm. thick held above the anthers at anthesis. Capsule 18-92 mm. long, glabrous or sparsely villous, ascending or spreading, straight or curved; pedicel 2-20 mm. long. Seeds 1-1.5 mm. long, 0.6-1 mm. wide. Gametic chromosome number, n=7. Self-incompatible.