Phyllanthus avicularia Small
New York Botanical Garden. Herbarium of Dr. Per Axel Rydberg. Purchased, 1899. Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Perennial, bright green. Stems branched at the base and throughout, 3-6 dm. long, puberulent, striate in age: leaves numerous, ascending: blades oblong, or slightly broadest above the middle, 8-18 mm. long, blunt or barely pointed, slightly paler beneath than above, rounded or truncate at the base: petioles 1 mm. long, or shorter: calices short-pedicelled; staminate delicate, barely 2 mm. broad, sepals orbicular-obovate or suborbicular: pistillate firmer, fully 2 mm. broad or barely 3 mm. broad at maturity; sepals oblong or oval, scarious-margined, persistent: capsules spheroidal, 3 mm. broad.
Related to Phyllanthus polygonoides, but much more robust in all its parts. The leaves, too, are of an oblong type. The capsules conspicuously surpass the mature pistillate calyx, whereas those of P. polygonoides are at least equaled by the mature sepals.
In dry soil, along the Brazos River, Texas. Type from Colubia, Texas, collected by B. F. Bush, October 26, 1899, no. 263.
Texas United States of America North America|