Senecio canovirens Rydb.

  • Authority

    New York Botanical Garden. Herbarium of Dr. Per Axel Rydberg. Purchased, 1899. Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Senecio canovirens Rydb.

  • Description

    Species Description - Stout perennial with a short erect rootstock, dark green, floccose with more or less deciduous wool: stem 4-5 dm. high, loosely floccose: basal leaves 5-12 cm. long, short-petioled; blades lanceolate or oblanceolate, sinuately toothed, dark green, firmly floccose, in age almost glabrate above: lower stem leaves similar; upper ones linear, sinuately dentate with rather acute teeth: cyme with erect or ascending branches: heads 7-8 mm. high, turbinate campanulate; bracts 12-14, oblong, linear, floccose at the base and more or less villose, acute, brownish on the back and with yellowish margins: rays 5-6 mm. long and 2 mm. wide, at first orange, in age paler, 4-nerved: achenes glabrous, striate.

  • Discussion

    The type was determined by Prof. Greene as Senecio Fendleri, but it is very unlike the typical form of the aggregate that has been known under that name. The dark green color, the leaves which are merely toothed, never pinnatifid and still less bipinnatifid as they often are in S. Fendleri easily distinguish it from that species. The perennial caudex and rootstock are similar to that of 5. Fendleri but less thick and less woody and, as far as seen from the specimens, not branched. It grows at an altitude of about 2000 m. [Plate 6, f. 9.]

  • Distribution

    New Mexico: White Mountains, 1897, E.O. Wooton, 244 (type in the herbarium of N. Y. Botanical Garden) ; Organ Mountains, 493. Colorado: Pike's Peak,' 1895, Mrs. S. L. Clarke.

    New Mexico United States of America North America| Colorado United States of America North America|