
  • Authority

    Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Description - Stems prostrate, small or medium-sized, irregularly branched, the branches as in Badula; rhizoids springing from the bases of the underleaves. Leaves complicate-bilobed, the dorsal lobes plane or slightly convex, widely spreading, ovate to orbicular, rounded at the apex, entire; lobule strongly inflated and more or less contracted in the outer part, with a single apical tooth bearing a hyaline papilla at its distal base; leaf-cells usually with distinct trigones. Underleaves suborbicular, bifid, the divisions mostly acute and the margins entire. Antheridia usually borne in pairs in the axils of saccate bracts, the latter usually in short androecia. Archegonia borne singly on branches variable in length, with or without subfloral innovations, the bracts with plane and usually acute lobules; bracteoles bifid. Perianth compressed with sharp lateral keels, often becoming two-lipped with age. Vegetative reproduction by means of caducous leaves. [Greek, lipyed-Lejeunea.] About 60 species, mostly tropical. Type species: C. aneogyna (Spruce) Evans.