
  • Authority

    Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Description - Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, with forking stems. Leaves flat, entire or repand. Flowers solitary in the axils, or in small cymes. Calyx scarcely accrescent, somewhat 5-lobed. Corolla usually white, nearly rotate, its lobes 5, imbricated. Stamens 5, adnate to the base of the corolla; anthers bluish, the sacs opening lengthwise. Ovary 2-3-celled; stigma club-shaped or dilated. Berries red, yellow or green, often nodding, pungent. Seeds flattened. [Latin, capsa, a box, referring to the shape of the fruit in forms of the typical species.] About 30 species, natives of America. Type species: Capsicum annuum L.