Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.
Scientific Name
Description - Large glabrous trees with milky juice, and large many-carpelled, flattened globose fruits, the broad cordate leaves shining, biglandular above the base of the blade. Inflorescence monoecious, in terminal, oval or oblong, long-peduncled spikes; male flowers densely imbricated above, the female at the base or in the inferior axils. Calyx cupuliform, irregularly toothed; staminate column central, bearing below its verticillate projections an indefinite number of sessile extrorse anthers. Style simple, infundibuliform at the apex; stigma manylobed, with hanging subulate branches. Capsule deeply suleate into many cocci; seeds rounded, compressed. [Aboriginal name.] Two or three species of tropical America, the following typical.