Bonania cubana A.Rich.

  • Authority

    Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Bonania cubana A.Rich.

  • Description

    Species Description - A much branched shrub about 2 m. high with shining leathery glabrous leaves. Leaves 12-18 X 6-11 mm., ovate, obtuse, sometimes slightly emarginate, distinctly nerved, glandular-crenate; petioles short; stipules ovate; male spikes 12-16 mm. long, slender; bracts l-3-flowered_; calyx sessile, about 1 mm. long, urceolate. its lobes short, entire; anthers subincluded; capsule flattenedglobose, smooth, slightly 3-sulcate; seed globular, grayish, 3 mm. in diameter, smooth, flecked with a few minute, scarcely perceptible, yellowish markings.

  • Distribution

    Thickets, coppices and rocky plains, Andros, New Providence, Eleuthera, Cat Island, Great Exuma and Long Island : Cuba. Bonania.

    Andros Island Bahamas South America| New Providence Bahamas South America| Eleuthera Bahamas South America| Cat Island Bahamas South America| Exuma Bahamas South America| Long Island Bahamas South America| Cuba South America|