Adelia L.
Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.
Scientific Name
Description - Shrubs with serrate stipulate leaves pubescent with simple hairs and dioecious flowers. Male flowers in axillary amentaceous spikes, each flower sessile in the axil of a bract; calyx 3-5-parted; stamens 15-20, distinct, the interior central and mixed with some glands; anthers cruciate-globose, 4-celled, 2 cells anterior. Female flowers few or solitary, subterminal, 3-bracteate; calyx 5-6-parted, biseriate; styles 3, short, lacerate-crenate. [Greek, referring to the inconspicuous flowers.] A few species of tropical America, the following typical.