Croton bahamensis Millsp.
Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.
Scientific Name
Species Description - A shrub 1-2 m. high with a peppery odor; branchlets white stellatetomentose. Leaves lanceolate, 3-7 em. long, 7-17 mm. broad, acuminate, mucronate, base slightly oblique and rounded, with 2 patellate glands, green above and equidistantly stellate-pubescent, densely stellate-pubescent beneath, the margin subentire or crenate-dentate with stipitate glands in the sinuses; stipules fimbriate and stipitate-glandular. Inflorescence in dense terminal racemes. Female flowers: calyx-segments oblong, stellate-pilose; styles 4-fid to the base and villous with moniliform hairs. Male flowers: calyx nonglanduliferous; petals white, cymbiform, the apex minutely fimbriate; stamens 35-50. Capsule globose, deeply suleate, glabrous below but long-pilose in the sulci and at the apex; seeds brownish black, the rugae rib-like.
Open pastures and in thickets bordering openings, Eleuthera and Long Island to Mariguana. Endemic. Referred to in Field Mus. Bot. 2: 153, and by Hitchcock as C. humilis L. ; by Grisebach and by Dolley as C. humilis origanifoliua. Bahama Crotox. Pepper-bush.
Eleuthera Bahamas South America| Long Island Bahamas South America|