Parkinsonia aculeata L.

  • Authority

    Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Parkinsonia aculeata L.

  • Description

    Species Description - A shrub, or a tree up to about 9 m. high, with nearly smooth brown bark, and slender, spreading or drooping branches, the young twigs pubescent, the stipular spines 2 cm. long or less. Pinnae 1 or 2 pairs, appearing like sessile pinnate leaves, 2-4 dm. long, the rachis flat, narrowly winged, bearing 10-25 pairs of short-petioluled, linear to obovate leaflets 1.5-8 mm. long, or sometimes without leaflets; racemes few-several-flowered, as long as the leaves or shorter; pedicels very slender, 0.5-2 cm. long; calyx 6-8 mm. long; petals nearly orbicular, about twice as long as the calyx; stamens about one-half as long as the petals; pods drooping, linear-cylindrie, 5-15 cm. long, much constricted between the seeds, which are oblong-cylindric, about 1 cm. long.

  • Distribution

    Scrub-lands, Grand Turk: southern United States; Cuba to Virgin Gorda and Trinidad ; Jamaica : continental tropical America ; introduced into the Old World tropics. Parkin soma. Hohsebean.

    Grand Turk Bahamas South America| United States of America North America| Cuba South America| Virgin Gorda Virgin Islands South America| Trinidad and Tobago South America| Jamaica South America|