Chamaecrista inaguensis (Britton) Britton

  • Authority

    Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Chamaecrista inaguensis (Britton) Britton

  • Description

    Species Description - A much-branched shrub, 6-12 dm. high, the twigs pubescent. Leaflets 1 or 2 pairs, glabrous, coriaceous, rigid, shining, oblong to obovate, strongly and finely many-veined, emarginate or rounded at the apex, narrowed but not cuneate at the base, more or less inequilateral, 1.5-3 cm. long, 5-13 mm. wide; petiole 2-6 mm. long, sparingly pubescent, bearing a stipitate gland near the top; stipules lanceolate-subulate, 2-4 mm. long, pubescent, persistent; flowers solitary in the axils, numerous, the filiform sparingly pubescent peduncles 2-3 cm. long; sepals pubescent, at least at the base, obliquely lanceolate, acuminate, 1 cm. long or less; petals golden yellow, about 1.5 cm. long; young legume densely pubescent.

  • Distribution

    Open scrub-land, Grand Turk Island, Caicos and Inagua. Endemic.

    Turks and Caicos Islands South America| Grand Turk Bahamas South America| Inagua Bahamas South America|