Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.
Scientific Name
Description - An unarmed tree, with evenly pinnate leaves, numerous and small leaflets, the stipules caducous, and pink to yellow racemose flowers. Calyx-tube turbinate, its 4 segments imbricated. Petals very unequal, the 3 upper ones large, nearly alike, the 2 lower ones minute, scale-like. Perfect stamens 3, monadelphous; anthers longitudinally dehiscent; staminodia minute. Ovary stipitate, few-many-ovuled, the stipe adnate to the calyx-tube; style long; stigma terminal, subcapitate. Pod linear or linear-oblong, curved, little compressed, indehiscent, the thin epicarp crustaceous, the mesoearp pulpy, the coriaceous endocarp septate between the obovate-orbicular seeds. Endosperm none; cotyledons thick. [Latin name of the tree.] A monotypic genus.