Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.
Scientific Name
Description - Herbs, mostly fleshy, with opposite entire leaves, the perfect braeteolate flcwers in dense heads or short spikes. Calyx compressed, thickened at the base, 5-parted, the segments obtuse. Stamens 5; filaments subulate, connate below; anthers oblong, 2-celled. Ovary ovoid, compressed; style short; stigmas 2, subulate; ovule suspended on a long funicle. Utricle compressed. ovoid, indehiscent. Seed lenticular; embryo annular; endosperm starchy. [Greek, dry-loving, some species inhabiting dry situations.] About 10 species of coastal distribution in tropical and subtropical America, Africa and Australasia. Type species: Philoxerus conicus R. Br.