Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.
Scientific Name
Description - Low orchids with a solid bulb, 1-leaved or 2-leaved. Flowers small, white or green, in a terminal raceme. Sepals spreading, separate, the lateral ones equal at the base. Petals filiform or linear, spreading. Lip cordate or eared at the base, embracing the column. Anther erect between the auricles, 2-celled; pollinia 4, smooth and waxy, 2 in each sac, the pairs cohering at the summit, without caudicles or glands. Capsule oval, sometimes nearly globose, beakless. [Greek, in allusion to the soft tissues.] About 140 species, widely distributed, the following typical.