Ruellia geminiflora Kunth

  • Authority

    Leonard, Emery C. 1958. The Acanthaceae of Colombia, III. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 31: 323-781.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Ruellia geminiflora Kunth

  • Description

    Description - [No description provided.]

  • Discussion

    Supplement: The specimens cited or described in this supplement were received after the publication of Parts I and II. In the discussion on page 95 above regarding the various varieties of Ruellia geminiflora proposed by Nees under the name Dipteracanthus geminiflorus, I stated that that none of these have been validly published except β and ε. Of course, they were validly published; I intended to say that they had not been validly transferred to the genus Ruellia, except for the two varieties mentioned.