Geniostoma confertiflorum A.C.Sm. & Stone
Smith, Albert C. & Stone, Benjamin C. M. 1962. Studies of Pacific Island Plants, XVII: The Genus Geniostoma (Loganiaceae) in the New Hebrides, Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 37, Part I: 1-41; plates 1-3.
Scientific Name
Type in the U.S. National Herbarium, No. 2191173, collected in hills north of Wainavindrau Creek, between the Korombasambasanga Range and Mt. Naitarandamu, Province of Namosi, Viti Levu, Fiji, alt. 250-450 m., September 14, 1953, by A. C. Smith (No. 8488). Duplicates to be distributed.
Latin Diagnosis - Arbor parva 3-10 m. alta praeter corollae partem interiorem ubique glabra, ramulis apicem versus compressis et 2-5 mm. diametro demum teretibus; stipulis intrapetiolaribus in vagina rotundata circiter 1.5 mm. longa apice minute mucronulata conjunetis; foliis magnitudine modcratis, petiolis anguste alatis 9-20 mm. longis, laminis ellipticis vel ovatis, 7-24 cm. longis, 3-13 cm. latis, vulgo 10-23 X 5-12 cm., basi cuneatis vel rotundatis et decurrentibus, apice acuminatis, margine integris, costa supra sulcata subtus elevata, nervis secundariis utrinsecus 8-12 subtus prominulis, venulis obscuris; inflorescentiis axillaribus dichasialibus 5-11-floris, pedunculo communo subnullo haud 1 mm. longo, rhachidibus primariis 1-3 mm. longis bibracteolatis, bracteolis circiter 0.6 mm. longis, pedicellis 2-3 mm. longis in calycem dilatatis; floribus visis videtur hermaphroditis; calyce cupuliformi circiter 2.5 mm. longo, lobis ovatis circiter 1.5 mm. longis 3-5-nervatis; corolla 4-4.7 mm. longa extus glabra, tubo 2-2.4 mm. longo intus basim versus glabro faucibus pilis albis circiter 0.6 mm. longis hirtello, lobis ovatis 2-2.3 mm. longis erectis vel subpatentibus intus praeter basim glabris, nervatio simplice, corollae quoque loba nervo unico subobscuro per tubum ad lobam adscendente praedita, quoque nervo venulum unicum subsimpliccm inconspicuum faucibus ferente; staminium filamentis deltoideo-ligulatis 0.3-0.4 mm. longis, antheris anguste ovoideis circiter 1 mm. longis ubique glabris apice minute apiculatis vel subretusis; ovario depresso-globoso glabro diametro circiter 1 mm., stylo 1-1.3 mm. longo, stigmate oblongo-clavato 1-1.3 mm. longo minute papilloso; capsula late ellipsoidea 7-9 mm. longa apice apiculata, seminibus circiter 1 mm. longis cumulo pulposo flavoaurantiaco immersis.
This new species, as well as the next one, G. clavigerum, is characterized by its clavate stigma; in other Fijian species the stigma is globose or subglobose. In addition, both these species and a third, G. uninervium, are similar in that the nervation of their corolla-lobes is relatively simple, consisting of a sparsely or almost unbranched single central nerve. Of the specimens cited, those from Ngau (Smith 7744, 7878) and one from Viti Levu (Gillespie 2317) exhibit rather large leaf-blades, which are thin in the former but coriaceous in the latter. Other specimens display considerably smaller leaves, which in respect to size differ little from those of the other Fijian species. Also, an unusual condition is present in Gillespie 2059, of which the styles are minutely and sparsely hirtellous rather than glabrous. However, with this one exception, the floral characters of all the specimens agree in size, pilosity, shape, and other characters. Geniostoma confertiflorum is a species not closely related to those often confused with G. rupestre, and it is nearly as well marked a species as G. macrophyllum or G. stipulare. In superficial characters, such as the average size and shape of the leaves, however, it resembles such species as G. rupestre, G. macgregorii, and perhaps glabrate forms of G. vitiense—all species of a different group, with globose stigmas and complex corolla-venation. More significantly, G. confertiflorum is similar in general appearance to G. clavigerum and to G. uninervium. The following new species, G. clavigerum, differs from G. confertiflorum chiefly in its small chartaceous leaves, but also in corolla-venation. From G. uninervium the present new species is more easily distinguished by the fainter corolla-venation.