Mendoncia sprucei Lindau

  • Authority

    Leonard, Emery C. 1951. The Acanthaceae of Colombia, I. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 31: 1-117.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Mendoncia sprucei Lindau

  • Description

    Description - Suffrutescent vine up to 7 meters high; sterns slender, subterete, sparingly hirsute or glabrous; leaf blades ovate to oblong-ovate, up to 9 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, short acuminate at apex (the tip blunt and bearing a slender mucro up to 2 mm. long), obtuse, rounded, or narrowed at base, sparingly appressed-pilose or densely so on costa and veins (3 or 4 pairs) beneath; petioles up to 4 cm. long, sparingly appressed-pilose; flowers usually solitary in the axils of the leaves; pedicels slender, up to 4 cm. long or more, usually sparingly appressed-pilose; bracts ovate, about 2 cm. long and 1 cm. wide, rounded to acute at apex and apiculate, rounded at base, sparingly appressed-hirtellous without, glabrous within; corolla cream-color with purple streaks in throat, glabrous, 3 cm. long, about 8 mm. broad at throat; fruit slightly flattened, about 2 cm. long and 10 mm. broad, purplish black, glabrous.