
  • Authority

    Cervantes, A., et al. 2009. Foliar architecture and anatomy of and other genera of Acalyphoideae (Euphorbiaceae). Brittonia. 61 (4): 375-391.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Description - Leaves alternate, simple, notophylls to mesophylls, chartaceous or coriaceous, caducous, oblong, symmetrical, base and apex acute margin denticulate, teeth simple, tooth spacing irregular; cicatricose-crateriform glands present, never paired; marginal glands present; venation pinnatinerved, agrophic veins absent; primary vein moderate to stout, straight; secondary venation brochidodromous, with 7-12 pairs of secondary veins with an acute angle of divergence; tertiary veins opposite percurrent; quaternary veins polygonal reticulate; orders of venation 5, areoles imperfectl veinlets simple to branched more than twice; ultimate marginal venation looped. Midvien and higher order veins with the bundle sheath sclerified, terminal veinlets naked or with sclerenchymatous sheath cells; mesophyll dorsiventral, with dispersed fibers with numerous druses in the mesophyll and also in the phloem parenchyma; without tannins in the spongy parenchyma; epidermis simple, epidermal cells isodiametric in surface view, abaxial anticlinal cell walls undulate; cuticle smooth; stomata in the abaxial surface, paracytic, guard cells without striations; sparsely pubescent, trichomes simple, papillate.