Streptocalyx poeppigii Beer

  • Authority

    Smith, Lyman B. 1957. The Bromeliaceae of Colombia. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 33: i-v, 1-311.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Streptocalyx poeppigii Beer

  • Description

    Description - Flowering shoot 5-8 dm. high; leaves numerous, to 16 dm. long, sheaths elliptic, ample, dark castaneous, densely buff-lepidote, blades linear, acuminate to a dark pungent cusp, 3-7 cm. wide, laxly serrate with dark curved spines 1-4 mm. long, densely white-lepidote beneath, soon glabrous above; scape curved, red, white-flocculose at first; scape-bracts imbricate, broadly ovate with a linear blade, fimbriate-serrate, bright rose; inflorescence densely bipinnate, slenderly cyllndric or pyramidal, 2-4 dm. long, 9-15 cm, in diameter, white-farinose; primary bracts like the scape-bracts but merely apiculate, about equaling the spikes, divergent; spikes 2-10-flowered, lax, 5-7 cm. long; sepals free, strongly asymmetric, 16-19 mm. long mucronate; petals bright purple; ovary cylindric, epigynous tube large; placentae apical.