Vriesea splitgerberi (Mez) L.B.Sm. & Pittendr.
Smith, Lyman B. 1957. The Bromeliaceae of Colombia. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 33: i-v, 1-311.
Scientific Name
Description - Plant 1-1.5 meters high; leaves in a spreading rosette, 4-12 dm. long, minutely palc-lepidotej sheaths elliptic, 12-15 cm. long, pale brown, blades ligulate, acuminate, 4-7 cm. wide, green; scape erect, 12 mm. in diameter; scape-bracts densely imbricate, subfoliaceous; inflorescence bipinnate, dense toward the apex, more or less interrupted below 2-6 cm. long, 1-2 dm. in diameter; prunary bracts spreading, broadly ovate, the lower with a narrowly triangular blade exceeding the spikes, the upper apiculate and shorter than the spikes; spikes divergent to spreading, stipitate, densely ovoid or ellipsoid, 5-7 cm. long; floral bracts broadly elliptic, obtuse, to 33 mm. long, exceeding the sepals, subchartaceous, carinate toward the apex, minutely lepidote; flowers subsessile; sepals subfree, oblong, rounded and apiculate, 20-24 mm. long, coriaceous, even, lustrous; petals linear, obtuse, 25 mm. long, white, bearing 2 linear obtuse largely adnate scales; capsule about equaling the sepals; coma white.